This website is operated by the World Sakagura Ranking executive committee to share information and increase awareness of its activities.
Please be sure to read the following terms and conditions before using this website.
By viewing, using, or downloading the content or information on this website, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.
Please note that the content, information and URL of this website may be updated or discontinued without notice. Thank you for your understanding.
All rights to the content on this website are retained by the World Sake Brewery Rankings Executive Committee and the information providers, and any unauthorized reproduction, citation, transfer, distribution, staging, adaptation, modification, or addition for any purpose is prohibited.
The content of this website may only be used by permission.
To request permission to use the information from the World Sake Brewery Ranking Executive Committee, please contact us via the Inquiries link.
The operators of this website may request personal or private information to better provide service to users.
In such cases, we will protect such personal information based on our Basic Policy on Personal Information Protection as follows.
Personal information in this instance means any information that you provide on this site that can identify you, such as your name, address, email address, telephone of FAX number, etc.
When requesting personal information on this site, the operators will clearly state the purpose for which the information will be used and will not use it for any other purpose.
We have appointed an individual to manage the personal information provided to us to ensure that it is handled appropriately.
This site will not disclose or provide any user's personal information to any third party without the user's consent.
However, the following cases may be excepted:
We will comply with all personal information laws and regulations, and will continue to review and improve our efforts in these areas.
We may use personal information like names and email addresses to identify users for the following purposes:
Information is gathered when responding to inquiries from users.
We will cease using or providing personal information when the user requests it.
This site or its content may be updated, corrected, deleted, or suspended without notice.
We do not recognize any obligation to update the information on this site, or make any commitment to do so.
Please be aware that information on this site may be outdated on reading.
If you wish to link to this website, please request permission in advance.
Please include the URL of the page you are linking to, the content of the website and the purpose of the link.
Be aware that a lack of response from us does not indicate permission to link.
The only URL for linking to this website is
The following types of links are not permitted:
Even if a link has been approved, we may request it be deleted if we later judge it to be inappropriate.
To request permission from the World Sake Brewery Ranking Executive Committee, please contact us via the Inquiries link.
If you wish to refer our website in any media coverage, please contact us in advance.
Please specify the medium, the content, and the purpose of the project.
Be aware that a lack of response from us does not indicate agreement to coverage.
To request permission from the World Sake Brewery Ranking Executive Committee, please contact us via the Inquiries link.
Please feel free to contact us via the Inquiries link you have any comments or questions about this website or our organization.
We do our best to respond to all inquiries, but sometimes we may be unable to do so. Thank you for your understanding.